About The Practice

About the Practice
Dr. Fischbach is deeply invested in your personal improvement. You and he together will form a team whose goal will be the successful treatment of your behavioral and emotional symptoms. Many people perform far better than they ever had in the past when these symptoms receive their proper attention. Dr. Fischbach will present a range of treatment choices to help relieve your symptoms.
Please bear in mind that each person responds differently to the same medications, even at the same dosages.
This is because people have different genetic responses to these medications. For this reason, Dr. Fischbach will follow-up with you on a regular basis. He will ask about how your symptoms are responding, which side effects you may be experiencing, and any active medical problems which might influence the successful treatment of your condition. He will make appropriate adjustments to your treatment regimen based on the information that you provide. At all times, Dr. Fischbach will both educate you about the condition you are dealing with and about treatment options for your symptoms, and he will always respect and include your input and wishes in the treatment planning. If indicated, Dr. Fischbach will help you find an appropriate and skilled therapist for your psychotherapy needs.
Dr. Fischbach welcomes your family to provide both relevant information about your condition as well as support for your treatment plan.
Dr. Fischbach will be in contact with your psychotherapist after your initial evaluation to share his diagnosis and treatment plan and to get therapist input on your care. He will remain in periodic contact with your therapist during the ongoing course of your treatment with him.
Fischbach Psychiatry functions as a boutique practice. Dr. Fischbach will personally manage your care, starting with setting your initial appointment, customizing your treatment, managing your medications, and working with you and your therapist to ensure a successful outcome.
Dr. Fischbach will assume considerable responsibility for your psychiatric care. He will, however, expect you to assume a reasonable amount of responsibility as well.